Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26, 2011

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors,

Our God has once again shown us His power and provision over the past several days! Two weeks ago, we had a tremendous opening revival with Alton Beal and Ambassador Baptist College! At the beginning part of the week, we were a bit concerned that perhaps the first portion might be cancelled. Well, though classes were cancelled, chapel was not. I am so thankful for the emphasis Brother Beal and Ambassador Baptist College place on preaching. The first day began with Evangelist Jim Cook preaching on temptation. I followed up in the afternoon with a message on soulwinning. The Lord blessed throughout the week with several tremendous altar calls and an overall tenderness of the ABC family to God's Word. Thank you so much for praying for us during this week.

This past week was a patchwork of travel and preaching. Sunday morning we were in Greer, SC preaching for Pastor John Mark Turner of Calvary Baptist Church. This was an unexpected opportunity that came up just a day before, but the Lord was in it. In the AM service there were three older teenagers who settled the matter of their eternal destiny. Two were boys, both named Wesley, and one was a girl who received assurance of her salvation. Praise the Lord for the power of the gospel.

On Monday, the Lord allowed me to speak to the evangelistic preaching class at Ambassador. This is always a blessing!

Tuesday, I was privileged to preach for Pastor Scott Hooks of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Hickory, NC. He was hosting the Western Piedmont Preacher's Fellowship, and my was it a sweet meeting! It also provided an opportunity for some new contacts with preachers I had not met as well as others. I was so thankful to have my Dad along for the ride. He and I enjoyed some much needed and meaningful fellowship there and back.

Wednesday gave me an chance to preach at the Temple Christian School chapel in Asheville, NC. (You may have heard of it). It was clash day, so Amber let me out of the house in clothes she wouldn't normally allow me to wear in the house! God moved in the hearts of several teenagers to embrace godliness and reject worldliness. After the service, I headed back home, picked up my family, and we traveled to Charleston, WV where I preached in the evening service at Independent Missionary Baptist Church. As a result of God's work, one young lady trusted Christ after the service! Pastor Frank Chapman hosted us very warmly, and we were grateful for the privilege of being with him once again.
Thursday was filled with excitement. We picked up a Travel Supreme fifth-wheel trailer much like ours from Evangelist Richard Harper. We were taking it to Evangelist Jake D'Andrea in NW Indiana. The Lord gave us much protection as we headed into and through a major snow storm. We saw a half a dozen cars in the ditch and a semi truck and trailer that had barely t-boned an SUV. When we arrived at our destination our truck and trailer were covered in 1/4" to 1" of ice. Praise the Lord for his safe protection!

Friday was the day Jake D'Andrea and I took his "new" trailer to a nearby carwash. We commandeered the entire facility and in 8 degree temperatures we washed the whole unit! What an adventure! In the evening, the Lord gave us a sweet spirit at an area-wide teen rally. Several churches and pastors were present, and I thank God for the broken hearts and renewed spirits at the end of the meeting. One youth group praised God and gave testimonies on the trip home and once they arrived at home, they had another service!

This week we are holding meetings at Calvary Baptist Church in Sheldon, IA. That is the NW corner for those who may not know. Pastor Marcus Moffitt has been here for about twenty years and is doing a fine job! This is a town that is very religious, but many folks are lost. There are four Reformed churches in Sheldon, so Calvin's heresy is rampant in the town. The meetings have been going well. Last night a teenage girl surrendered her life to full-time service, and several were at the altar asking God to use them to win souls. We long to see someone saved this week, so pray with us to that end. We have three nights left. I will be getting up to preach just as you all are dismissing the service back home.

I know this was a little long, but I just wanted to send a note and thank you for your faithful prayers on our behalf. Keep it up until Jesus comes! Still praying and preaching...

For revival and another great awakening

Dwight & Amber and the boys (Nathaniel, Peter, Timothy, Andrew)